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The International Master’s Program in Distributed Systems Engineering is a new 2-year program offered by the Faculty of Computer Science at the Technische Universität Dresden (Dresden University of Technology). It will prepare students for a future career in the very broad field of distributed systems and their applications. This field is characterized by continuously emerging technological advancements and a highly active research community. Students need to be aware of both the fundamentals of distributed systems and their practical application in realistic scenarios. Therefore, the programs structure ensures that students first acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge and expertise before they will get the opportunity to apply their skills in practice in the context of an internship, various practical courses and, if desired, even in their Master’s thesis.
The courses of the program are taught in English and all students are highly encouraged to spend at least one semester abroad, either at one of our partner universities or at another research or industrial institution of their choice. For students who have acquired their Bachelors degree at a German institution, this period abroad will be mandatory.
The program starts every fall and the next possible starting date will be October 2012.
Bewerben Sie sich jetzt bei der TU-Dresden, Lehrstuhl Softwaretechnologie als Distributed Systems Engineering M.Sc..
Bitte prüfen Sie, ob Sie diese Grundanforderungen erfüllen:
- Arbeitserlaubnis in Deutschland bzw. Schengen/EU notwendig
- Arbeitsort muss erreichbar sein: Dresden
Kurzprofil der TU-Dresden, Lehrstuhl Softwaretechnologie
Moderne Software soll nicht nur einfach und kostengünstig zu erstellen, zu pflegen, und zu warten sein, sondern sich auch leicht wiederverwenden lassen. Die Softwaretechnologie-Gruppe der TU Dresden entwickelt daher Methoden, die Hilfe bei der automatisierten Softwareerstellung geben und den Wiederverwendungsgrad erhöhen. Dazu gehören produktlinien-Engineering, insbesondere modellbasiertes Software-Engineering, die komponentenbasierte Softwareentwicklung sowie semantische Technologien.