
9 Servicemangement Jobs in Dresden and Bautzen

Hier finden Sie 9 Jobs und Stellen zu Servicemangement in Dresden and Bautzen. Fügen Sie passende Servicemangement Jobs und Stellen in Dresden and Bautzen zu Ihrer Merkliste hinzu. Nutzen Sie die Möglichkeit, sich auf alle gemerkten Jobs und Stellen schnell zu bewerben. Es werden die relevantesten Anzeigen im Bezug auf Ihre Suchbegriffe Servicemangement in Dresden and Bautzen zuerst gezeigt.

Es wurde ebenfalls nach Anwendungsmanagement, Anwendungsmonitoring, Anwendungsbetreuung, Softwaresupport, Software Support, Software-Support, Supportservice, Servicemanagement, Support, Softwarebetrieb, Softwarewartung, Service Management, Service-Management, Software Betrieb, Software-Betrieb, Systemingenieur, ITIL, ServiceNow, Helpdesk, 1stlevel, 2ndlevel, 3rdlevel, 1st level, 1st-level, 2nd level, 2nd-level, 3rd level, 3rd-level, Hotline, Servicemangement, Servicemanager, Service-Manager, Anwendungsmanager und Anwendungs-Manager.

Benötigen Sie eine weitere Suchanfrage?

Bautzen und Dresden
Empowering You – to break new ground! As NTT DATA Business Solutions, we are more than just a company. We are a team of innovative and passionate people who specialize in creating value-added SAP solutions and guiding our customers on their journey to becoming intelligent businesses. We focus on SAP Consulting, SAP Development, Managed Cloud Services, and Application Management Services (AMS) &...
Business Developer/ Special Services Sales Consultant IT Englisch Web-Service SAP
vor 25 Tagen
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
30 Urlaubstage
🇩🇪 B1/B2
🇬🇧 C1
The Barkhausen Institut performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable electronics and secure communication methods.   The Connected Robotics Lab merges the results of our research and strives to build compelling demos and vi...
Python C++ Software Engineer electrical engineering RF Digital Signal Processing Linux Git Lab work
vor 11 Tagen
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
🇬🇧 B1/B2
The Barkhausen Institut performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable electronics and secure communication methods. The Wireless Connectivity group is developing a secure and dependable architecture for the Internet of Thing...
Hardware Support IoT Python Wireless
vor 6 Tagen
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
🇬🇧 B1/B2
The Barkhausen Institut performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow’s society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable electronics and secure communication methods. The Barkhausen Institut group Composable Operating Systems is developing remote attestation solutions and tr...
5G IoT PhD PostDoc Trusted Execution Environments Operating Systems cryptography microkernel C++ Rust
vor 13 Tagen
Bautzen, Dresden und Radebeul
Empowering You – to break new ground! As NTT DATA Business Solutions, we are more than just a company. We are a team of innovative and passionate people who specialize in creating value-added SAP solutions and guiding our customers on their journey to becoming intelligent businesses. We focus on SAP Consulting, SAP Development, Managed Cloud Services, and Application Management Services (AMS) &...
Validation Officer IT Englisch Web-Service SAP Test Service-Manager Assessment Support
vor 2 Tagen
🇬🇧 C1
Scientific Data Engineer / Architect (m/f/d) in Dresden   About us Scionics Computer Innovation GmbH provides consulting, services, and support to academic institutions and scientific research organizations. We integrate information technology and data and image analysis techniques with biology and the life sciences. Scionics is located in Dresden, Germany, and is part of the dynamic Biopo...
Physik Informatik Forschung Research Development Physics Informatics Master GDPR DSGVO
vor 5 Tagen
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
Your tasks participation in a cross-functional team use and deployment of container-based solutions familiarization with the business domains of the Kiwigrid platform knowledge building in the area of test-driven development independent development of new software components based on Java frameworks ensuring the quality of our software components independent de...
Dresden Java Cloud Agile IoT google GCP SPRING Kubernetes remote
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
Fortgeschritten Senior Junior
Flexible Arbeitszeiten
🇩🇪 C1
🇬🇧 C1
Individually tailored to your skills, you will take on challenging and varied tasks in our application integration team. We are looking for experienced employees as well as newcomers who want to get started with enthusiasm and support from our experienced developers. You will work on integrating our software with the IT landscape of our customers and optimize our application for their specific ...
MapForce SAP Oracle API XML SQL Informatik Wirtschaftsinformatik Software SSRS
vor 6 Tagen
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
Fortgeschritten Senior Junior
bis zu 28 Urlaubstage
🇩🇪 C1
🇬🇧 C1
Individually tailored to your skills, you will take on challenging and varied tasks in our application integration team. We are looking for experienced employees as well as newcomers who want to get started with enthusiasm and support from our experienced developers. You will work on creating and customizing reports for our software for the individual needs of our customers’ business and suppor...
SAP Oracle Informatik Wirtschaftsinformatik Software SSRS BI power bi SQL Crystal Reports
vor 13 Tagen

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